
For manufacturers and retailers

Dog and cat food from the manufacturer Ospelt is available in numerous varieties. Before the popular pet food can be found on the shelves of retailers all over Europe, however, the products make a stopover at Noerpel in Ravensburg. Here, the employees of the packaging team put together the different types of food to form retailer-specific sales ranges. 

Ospelt delivers around 1,000 tons of pet food per week from Liechtenstein to the Noerpel plant in Ravensburg. The feed arrives on pallets sorted by type, Noerpel employees scan them and take over the intermediate storage. 

Software controls which goods go next from the warehouse to picking – first in, first out. The employees of the packaging team fill the individual sales cartons, and fixed packing schemes specify the exact assortments for each retailer. These customer-specific mixed pallets are then returned to the high-bay warehouse, where around 350 finished pallets arrive every day. Thanks to electronic documentation, each batch can later be traced back precisely. The location in Ravensburg meets the strict requirements for food logistics with the IFS Food certificate.  

The complete communication between Noerpel and Ospelt, including the delivery orders, takes place via electronic data exchange using EDI. One to three days before the delivery date, the ordered pallets leave the Ravensburg site. And so exactly the right animal feed arrives on time and in the right quantity at every point of sale. The retailer and the manufacturer are delighted – and the animal lover as well.

How it works